Great news… for almost everyone.

The Celebrations - Launch Film

Receptionist – TVC

Independent Observer - TVC

Meet the Celebrations

Print Photography

The National Lottery

Most lottery ads are all about what you’d spend your winnings on. We open on a beach… or a yacht… or an island… So for our first work for the National Lottery, we wanted to do something different. And in doing so, we become the first creative team in history dumb enough to get the brief for the Lotto and say “let’s set it in an office.”

Meet The Celebrations – the chronically overworked Lotto house band. Since the chances of winning the Lotto recently improved, their lives have become unbearable. Having had a relatively cushy gig for the last 30 odd years, the band are now being dragged out to perform every 10 minutes as another Lotto winner collects their prize. The same song. Every. Single. Time.

We launched our behind the scenes mockumentary with a 60 second TVC, accompanied by interviews with the band in the Irish Time and the Irish Independent. Three new 20 second spots will follow in the next few weeks as well as over 100 extra pieces of extra social content.

Editor’s choice in Ad Age. As featured in Forbes Magazine, Creativepool, Ad World, W&V, David Reviews, BestadsonTV, Little Black Book, Coloribus, Source Creative and more.

Directed by Steve Miller for Radical Media.
Photography by John Keatley.

Art Director: Stephen Rogers
Agency Producers: Emma Ellis & Laura Cahill

And that’s my voice at the end too.

Creative Director / Copywriter
The Celebrations
August 2018