A stark warning about the threat of bureaucracy to imagination.

When graffiti collective Subset’s iconic mural of Stormzy in Smithfield was painted over by Dublin City Council for lack of planning permission, my Art Director Ste Rogers suggested we stage a little protest and try to start the conversation about the value public art and creative expression. So we decided to give Dublin City Council the credit they deserve.

This was a personal project that ended up being featured in The Journal,,, and LovinDublin, and prompted Subset to begin the Grey Area Project.


Ireland's first brutally honest estate agents.

Say hello to a brand new type of Estate Agent. We’re brutally honest about your chances of actually owning a home because we don’t want to waste our time watching you work out what we already know. You don’t have a hope.
But don’t blame us. We’re just taking our lead from successive Irish governments whose lack of action on the housing crisis has meant that owning your own home has become almost impossible for the majority of the nation; and finding affordable, secure rental accommodation is next to impossible too.
They could have built more social and affordable housing, or taken responsibility for providing the basic human right and need of a home for all. Instead, they favoured landlords, vulture funds, developers and the banks. That’s why, at The Estate of Us, we do too.
So if you’re a vulture fund, you have wealthy parents or you are looking for a third home, we’re the people to talk to. If you’re not, maybe the links below will be more up your street.

The Estate of Us came about as a way of protesting about Ireland's housing crisis. We created a brutally honest estate agent to point out the hypocrisy of the government's housing policy and their failure to act on behalf of their citizens.

Creative Activism

Sometimes it’s fun to use creativity to cause trouble. These are a couple of personal guerilla projects I helped my former art director Stephen Rogers out with. Ste was the creative brain behind these. I was was just happy to help out and provide a few words along with some other brilliant creatives including John Martin and John McMahon.

Personal Projects